Friday, October 20th
Romans 4:1-4. Luke12:1-7

You have no understanding save that which is given you through the Father’s Word, no power to know and do the Father’s will save in and through the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. And ‘all things work together for good to those who love God, and are called according to His purpose’. (Romans 8:28)

Pray to know the Father’s will in all things and for power to do it in the grace and power of Our Love.

‘Love conquers all things’ and, ‘all things are possible to one who has faith’ and lives in and through the light and power of Our Holy Spirit and Love’s indwelling, for’ God so loved the world that He gave His only Son that everyone who believes in Him may not perish but have eternal life’. So live, so love so trust.

‘I, the Father’s Word and Love Incarnate, am the Way, the Truth, the Life: receive and trust, and offer all you have and all you are to Him who loved you into being and calls you to perfection and fulfilment in the fulness of His glorious Presence in eternity.