Tuesday, April 26th
14:19-28. John 14:27-31
As it was in the beginning, is
now and shall be until time shall
end, I am the Father’s Word
spoken through the Son yet remaining
with the Father now and through
eternity, and I fulfil the Father’s
purpose in and through His Love.
This is the is the peace and joy
which passes understanding yet is
the power of all that lives and
moves and has its being, and it
is given to all who seek perfection
in and through the Father’s
Love and gives fulfilment of His
will to all continuing faithful
in the Way.
The Father’s peace on earth
is His Incarnate Son who became
the Son of Man that all may have
that peace and life eternal through
Love’s indwelling and the
light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.
The Father and I are one and all
are one in Us who are in Me and
I in them - in time and through
Pray that the Father’s Word
and Love Incarnate live constantly
in you and bring others to the Father
in time and through eternity.
Pray ‘Maranatha’, ‘come,
Lord, come’