Wednesday, April 13th
8:1-8. John 6:35-40
Know Me that you may know the
Father too. Receive Me that I may
bring you to the Father’s
Presence and present you faultless
and complete – in the fulness
of eternity - through My indwelling
and the light and guiding of Our
Holy Spirit. Such is the Father’s
will and loving purpose for each
and every one of His beloved sons
and daughters. Such is the fulfilment
for all who, responding to the Father’s
Word, continue faithful in His Love.
As you are in Me and I in you so
shall you reflect My likeness (1
John 3:2 ) and progress in life
eternal towards everlasting day
in the Father’s Kingdom of
eternal life and light and love
and the joy and glory of h\is Presence
in eternity.