
Wednesday, April 20th
Acts 12:24-13:5. John 12:44-50

I, beloved and loving Son of the Lord Most High, am the Father’s Word Incarnate, eternal life to all who are in Me and I in them as I am in the Father, He in Me. Take Me into heart and mind that I may save and – with and through Our loving Spirit – sanctify and bring you to the Father, progress you in the Way and perfect and fulfil you in His glorious Presence in the fulness of eternity. And through His Love and your obedience you will increasingly glorify the Father and witness to His Love and loving purpose as you continue faithful in the Way.

I am the Father’s Life and Light and Truth to one and all: each and every one responding in the grace and power of Our Love are judged worthy. All who turn aside and refuse the Life and light and Truth We offer are their own judge in time and through eternity.