Sunday, April 17th
4th after Easter
Acts 13:14.43-52. Apoc. 7:14-17. Kohn 10:27-30.UL

God of God, Light of Light, I am the Father’s Only-Begotten Son, His Word and Love Incarnate and I call and bless and give and receive according to His will and loving purpose. All the sheep of the forest are Mine, in and through the Father, and the cattle upon a thousand hills; and I am shepherd to one and all, guide and protector to all who follow in the Way, saviour of all who give themselves to Love’s indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

I am The Way, The Truth, The Life to all obedient to the Father’s Word and faithful in and through His Love. ‘The Father who gave them to Me is greater than anyone and no-one can steal from the Father. The Father and I are One’. (John 10:30.)