Saturday, April 23rd
Acts 1344-52. John 14:7-14

As I am in the Father, He in Me so am I in you and you in Me as you continue faithful to the Father’s Word and faithful in His Love. Such is the Father’s loving purpose for every one of His beloved sons and daughters; but all are free to accept or refuse, to tarry, dally or to reject and go the way of their own choosing.

All who turn from the Life and Light and Truth the Father offers are without true direction and as they continue in self-will, refusing the loving power of the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit, they lose the way and become lost in the darkness of their own choosing unless they turn and return to the Way, the Truth, the Life continually offered them.

But all who continue in the Way of Love and self-giving to the Father and His loving purpose ’will perform the same works as I do Myself and even greater works because I am in the Father, in Me. Whatever you ask for in My Name I will do so that the Father may be glorified in the Son. If you ask for anything in my Name I will do it’. As I revealed in My incarnate life so is it now and shall be until time shall end when all are gathered into the Father’s fold who have continued faithful in The Way, according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.