Saturday, May 30th
Acts 2816-20, 30-31. John 21:20-25

All faithful in the way the Father opens to each one committed, faithful and obedient, may often find the going hard, failure in response and sometimes opposition to the message given. But they will realise and experience My Presence as they pray in faith and trust, and recall that they do but follow in My steps; and they will share the victory of My loving, triumphant Sacrifice.

And as the Father’s will is welcomed and received through the grace and power of My indwelling the light and illumining of Our Holy Spirit enters heart and mind, strengthening and inspiring and fortifying in the way.

Pray for that purity of mind and heart that We desire to give, that Our loving Holy Spirit may enter in your soul, uniting you in Us and with the one and many so committed in the Father’s glorious world.