May 21st
Ascension of the Lord Jesus
Christ into Heaven
Acts 1:1-11. Ephesians 1:17-23.Luke
The Word the Father spoke
before creation is He who
ordered all things in the
power and potential of the
Father’s will ad loving
purpose. Entering in the
created world in time He
received the body, mind
and spirit of humanity,
laying aside the privilege,
power and splendour of His
divine identity. And through
obedience and self-giving
to the Father - even through
adversity, suffering and
cruel death - He brought
humanity and the whole creation
into the potential of perfection
and fulfilment in Eternal
I, the Father’s Word
Incarnate and incarnate
Love, am the Father’s
offering to every one of
His beloved children born
into His glorious world.
All who take the garment
of salvation which I offer,
and wear it in the grace
and power of My love become
harbingers of Our joy and
love to others as they respond
to the Word in Love and
in self-giving.
Rejoice today and every
day that I, your loving,
suffering, triumphant Saviour,
am present with Father and
with Our Holy Spirit and
that through My manhood
and divine Presence the
Father’s will and
loving purpose is fulfilled
in all faithful and obedient
in Our love.