Friday, May 22nd
Acts 18:9-18. John 16:20-23

All things in Heaven and earth are in the hands of your loving Heavenly Father.

He is love and joy and peace: His will and loving purpose bring peace and joy and love to all who seek His will in the grace and power of His loving purpose. His loving purpose is to bring all faithful in Our love into life eternal and the fulness of His Presence in eternity.

For this I, the Father’s Son, beloved and loving, became the Son of Man, and through My life and death and risen life bring all who are in Me and I in them to the fulness of the Father in His Kingdom of eternal life and light and love. And all faithful in Our love will know that I am with them in their suffering, pain and sadness and that they are present with Me now in the Presence of the Father through the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit. And We will be in them and they in Us through all eternity.