May 24th
1:15-17, 20-26. 1John 4:11-16.
John 17:11-19
Life in Father, Son and
Holy Spirit is offered to
every one who is in Me and
I in them for I am life
and light and truth within
the Father’s world
according to His will and
loving purpose. Through
My life laid down and raised
up in the dynamic of the
Father’s love all
identifying with that tremendous
truth and faithful to it
are brought to life eternal
and the Father’s Presence
in the grace and power of
Our Holy Spirit.
Pray that the good purpose
of the Father’s perfect
will be fulfilled in you
and in all you love and
pray for. As constantly
I give Myself to the one
and many in the Father’s
world so do I call you,
alone and in the fellowship
of the faithful in Our love,
to give yourself lovingly
and completely to the Father’s
will in the joy and challenge
of his loving purpose. So
will you become a channel
of Our love to others.