Saturday, May 23rd
Acts 18:23-28. John 16:23-28

As you seek the Father’s will in love and in self-giving it will be given you to know and to do it in the grace and power of My Name. I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate, Love am salvation, perfection, and fulfilment in the Father through the dynamic of Our Holy Spirit.

The love between the Father, Son and Holy Spirit is beyond all human comprehension but all faithfully committed in Our love may enter into it who call upon My Saving Name and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Pray to become what you are called to be – I speak to one, I speak to every one – a faithful, loving child in the family of the Father’s love. Live constantly in Me that I may bring you to the fulness of the Father in fellowship with all faithfully committed in love and in self-giving.