Thursday, July 9th
Hosea 11:`1-4, 8-9. Matthew 10:7-15

No human mind can fully grasp the height, the depth, the breadth of their Heavenly Father’s love, nor can the heart fully realise the all-embracing and sustaining care which that love ceaselessly involves.

I, the Father’s beloved and loving Son, revealed that love in My incarnate life, in My death and risen life, for I am the Father’s Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word. Follow in My steps, seek the Father’s will and pray to identify and do it through the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.

Let heart and mind become constantly open to receive the love which the Father’s Word continually engenders in all who seek and faithfully respond. So shall the one be filled and the many ministered to in the dynamic and the peace of Our enduring love.