Saturday, July 11th
Isaiah 6:1-8. Matthew 10:24-33

He who is and was and ever shall be is glorious, perfect and holy in Himself, revealing the perfection of His Being in all He is and all He creates.

And he calls the sons and daughters of His love to become images of His perfection in the multitudes of their diversity according to His joyful and fulfilling purpose for them and for His whole creation.

Awake, then, and respond to the truth which is constantly before you and to the gifts continually offered you: I speak to one, I speak to every one. Prepare to be made ready, in the grace and power of Our love, to receive the word the Father offers, in faith and trust and self-giving.

The faithful servant reflects the likeness of his master. Follow in the steps of the Son of Man and pray constantly for faithfulness in the way. So shall We bring you to the fulness and perfection of the Lord of Glory.