July 1st
5:14-15, 21-24. Matthew 8:28-34
Pray that love may fill
your heart and mind, Our
Holy Spirit guide all you
think and say and do. So
will the Father’s
will be done in you and
all you are given to do
in His Name and in His loving
purpose. I speak to all
the faithful and obedient
in the way.
The Father receives and
welcomes the overflow of
praise and thanksgiving
in the loving heart of the
one and many. Our redeeming,
sanctifying love enters
the soul of all who offer
all they are and all they
are becoming to His will
and loving purpose and brings
them to perfection and fulfillment
through the grace and power
of Our indwelling.
Offer yourself in faith
and trust and absolute self-giving
to the challenge and potential
of Our love. So will the
Father’s will be done
in you, His Presence with
you now and through eternity.