Wednesday, July 29th
Jeremiah 15:10, 16-21

The Word is powerful to fulfil all the Father wills and purposes. Received into heart and mind of the faithful and the true of heart it purifies and prepares for the revealing of the Father’s will and enables responsiveness to it. And if the way is often hard and challenging the faithful in Our love recall that many have travelled in the way before and that they tread in the steps of the Son of Man. And they know that the Son of Man is with them even to the end of time and into the fulness of eternity.

Be fortified, then, by the strength and power of the enduring word, the Father’s Love Incarnate who is His Incarnate Word brings all things to perfection and fulfilment in the faithfully committed in Our love through the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit. Such is the will and loving purpose of the Father.

In the beginning was The Word and the Word was with God. And the Word was God.