July 2nd
7:10-17. Matthew 9:1-8
All who pray to their Lord
Creator receive His word
and not infrequently the
call to action according
to His will and loving purpose
As they respond to the word
given and witness to it
in the grace and power of
Our Holy Spirit others are
called and challenged into
listening and responding
to the message given. All
who refuse the word offered
and the light given lose
knowledge of the right way,
stumbling and falling in
their trackless journey.
Come constantly to the
Source of light and life,
live ceaselessly in the
grace and power of Our redeeming,
sanctifying love. So will
you be renewed, reorientated
in the way and made fit
and ready for progress in
the way of life eternal
in faithfulness and obedience
to him who calls you to
loving service in His Kingdom
of eternal life and light
and love.