Friday, July 10th
Hosea 14:2-10. Matthew 10:16-33

Through sin and through turning from the Father’s will all children of he Father’s love have at some time brought upon themselves joylessness and failure All returning to the Rock from which they are hewn find forgiveness, peace and strength through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. In returning and rest shall all find peace, in quietness and confidence progress and, in the end, fulfilment and perfection in the Father’s loving purpose.

The way is often hard and challenging. So was it for the Son of Man, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love. Follow in My steps, receive the grace and power of My indwelling. So will you know the peace which passes knowledge and the joy of all the faithful and the true of heart. Remember, I am with you always in the Father’s Kingdom of eternal life and light and love and will bring you to the fulness of His Presence in eternity.