Tuesday, April 7th
Isaiah 49 John 13:21-33, 36-38

The Father, Lord of all creation, from whom I came and in whom I continually dwell, called Me, His Son beloved and loving, to enter in the world of His creation and bring it to the fulness and perfection of His loving purpose.

Even so I came and lived and died, redeemed and –with and through Our Holy Spirit – sanctify all responding to the Father’s word in love and in self-giving. For My redemptive act in time is powerful and effective for each and all in all times and places. And all returning to this truth are brought into the fulness and perfection of the Father’s loving purpose as they continue faithful.

And each and all faithful in Our love are called to become Our word to the one and many near and far in the Father’s world as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit according to the Father’ will and loving purpose.