April 15th
3:1-10. Luke 24:13-35
Communicate with others
frequently as you are led
and guided by My Presence
and Our Holy Spirit: I speak
to all faithfully committed
to truth and faithfulness
to its light and power.
Realise My Presence in prayer
and word and sacrament drawing
the one and many into the
fulness of the Father’s
love. Let the Incarnate
Word speak through you as
He does through others faithfully
committed in the way and
unite with them in faith
and trust and absolute self-giving.
So shall the Father’s
will be done both in you
and wherever this pattern
of discipleship is followed.
For His loving purpose seeks
constantly to heal and teach
and bring one and all into
the Kingdom of His Love
through the faithfulness
and self-giving of those
obedient in the way and
the grace and power of Our