Thursday, April 30th
Acts 8:26-40. John 6:44-51

I am the Word spoken by the Father before time was or anything created. I am Love transcendent and immanent in the whole creation. Since time began I have been the Father’s word to every one born into the world, their life as they responded. And in time I entered human life to redeem and save all faithfully committed in My love and in the sanctifying of Our Holy Spirit. All who take these truths into heart and mind and live in the grace and power of them have eternal life.

And as for the one so for the many. As one by one and all together the faithfully committed in faith and trust and in selfgiving respond to the word revealed and to the love offered so is the Kingdom of Eternal Love established and they are charged and enabled to become channels of Our saving, sanctifying love in the Father’s world as they continue faithful, according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.