Saturday, April 4th
Ezekiel 37:21-28. John 11:45-56

It is the loving purpose of the Father to bring all sons and daughters of His love into His Kingdom of eternal life as they desire and seek truth and respond to it in the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit.

Constantly the word of truth is spoken in the heart and mind and of each and every one and in community and gatherings and peoples. As response is made and action taken so does reward or judgment follow and the die is cast for individual and community. But the Father’s Word Incarnate, who is Incarnate, Suffering Love, reversed the judgment on all who turn from sin and failure in truth. I am The Truth, The way, The Life. All who are in Me and I in them I bring to the Father according to His will and loving purpose.

Be open to The Word, then, responsive to The Truth and obedient in The Way.