Tuesday, April 14th
Acts 2:36-41. John 20:11-18

Before time was or anything created the Lord of All brought all things into being. Firstborn in creation I issued from His Being and became His Word and Love to all creation. I am the life and light and re-creative love in all creation according to the loving purpose of the Lord of All and I seek to enter heart and mind of every human being born into the world of continuous creation. In time I entered human life and through My life and death and risen life I bring into the presence of the Lord of All each and every one responsive to the Eternal Word, who is Incarnate Love.

All who turn to the Word of Truth and follow in the way of Truth’s light and leading and receive the love to enable and empower them in the way become a part of the creative and the re-creative loving purpose of he Lord of All and are brought into the fulness and perfection of eternal life in the glorious presence of the Lord of All.