Friday, April 24th
Acts 5:34-42 John 6:1-15

Word of truth to all who seek truth and lead others in the grace and power of it, Incarnate Love and compassion to all in the Father’s world, I am the Bread of Life, the soul’s sustenance and the world’s Saviour.

I call each one of the Father’s beloved sons and daughters, as they are individually and corporately enabled, to seek ways and means of feeding the hungry in the Father’s world and to give generously both off their substance and themselves as they are led and guided by Our Holy Spirit.

I, the Father’s Word Incarnate and Incarnate Love, am the Bread of Life to all who feed on Me in faith and trust and in thanksgiving. Through my death and risen life each one and all together are strengthened and empowered for service of the Father and their fellowmen and women according to the Father’s will and loving purpose.