Sunday, June 25th
Job 3:1, 8-11. 2 Cor. 5:14-17. Mark 4:35-41

The Father who brought forth the whole creation spoke the Word who brought order into that which He created. Such was His will and loving purpose. I am that Word, Our Holy Spirit the expression of the Father's glory and the rationale of all that is. Love is the substance and the power of Our Total Godhead.

The Word the Father spoke before creation entered the human world and took on the cloak of full humanity. I lived a fully human life in full obedience to the Father and sinless faithfulness to His loving purpose. And through My death I offer re-creation in eternal life from the moment of reception even through eternity as the renewal is made perfect in Our saving, sanctifying love.

This is peace and safety and assurance in the chances, challenges and the dangers of this mortal life.