Monday, June 12th
1 Kings 17:1-6. Mathew 5:1-12

There is a state of being which goes beyond elusive happiness: it is the state of joy which is conferred on all who seek to love and serve and give themselves to Love's possession. All who are possessed by love are liberated from the bonds which bind the self-regarding and self-seekers to earth-bound stakes.

It is Our Presence in their heart and mind which frees them from the service of the natural self and offers joys undreamed of by the earth-bound and self-servers. Into the open mind and dedicated heart is poured such things as pass man's deepest hopes and expectations. And power is given to do those things the Father wills and lovingly purposes.

Be still: receive and give, give and receive. So shall we bring you to the fulness of Our Presence in Eternal Love.