Friday, June 16th
2 Kings 15:1-12. Matthew 8:1-4

Listen, sons of men, to the word I speak within your hearts and minds. Respond to that word in faithfulness and obedience. I speak of seeking the Father's will and loving purpose in personal and corporate life and living in obedience and faithfulness to it. So will you find peace and be at peace with others: so will We make you a means of peace with others in the Father's world. Through you and through all committed in the way We will lead and guide We will heal and teach and tend and nurture. And the Father's Kingdom will be established and extended in joy and peace and love as you continue faithful.

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word am liberation, peace and joy and love to all who call upon my Name in commitment to the Father's will and loving purpose.