Thursday, June 1st
Acts 25:13-21. John 17:20-26

As it was before time was so is it now and shall be till the end of time when all is gathered into everlasting life and Eternal Love. The perfection of that joyous union is offered to all faithful in Our love and obedient to the will and loving purpose of the Lord of all.

The dynamic and fulfilment of that joyous purpose is given to all who are in Me and I in them : I am He who lived and died in time and through My offering and My risen life and our sanctifying Holy Spirit the glorious purpose is fulfilled.

Constantly prepare for the fulness of this consummation, beloved of the Father: I speak to one I speak to every one. It is the Father's will and loving purpose that all committed in Our love in faith and trust and self-giving we bring into union with Us and with the whole redeemed and sanctified creation.