August 31st
1:1-8. Luke 4:28-44
I came to earth to be the Father's
love to every child born into the
world in every time and place. I
am the power for fullness and perfection
in the one and many, and I draw
each one to Him and all together
as response is made in love and
self-giving both to Him to His loving
Grace is the Father's love in action.
I, the Father's Word Incarnate ,
am also His creative and His re-creative
love in the hearts and minds of
all who will receive Me : I cleanse
and lead and teach and - with Our
Holy Spirit - sanctify all faithfully
committed in Our love and in self-giving.
Open heart and mind to Our indwelling
- We will bring you to the fullness
of the Father.
Praise, bless and glorify Him now
and always both in your prayer and
in your living.