Friday, August 19th
St. John Eudes
Ephesians 3:14-19. Matthew 11:25-30

I come to you in love and faithfulness, beloved of the Father , and I bring the joy and glory of the Father to all who seek truth and power to walk in it. I, the light of every child of man born into the Father's world, am The Truth, The Way, The life of body, mind and spirit.

I to call you, beloved of the Father, - I speak to one, I speak to all - I call to you to let the imprint of my love and faithfulness be in your life and on your soul. So shall Eternal Love grow daily in you, the Father's will and loving purpose be increasingly known and understood. And I will bring you to the joy and glory of the Father in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Be with Me in Gethsemane, accompany Me to Golgotha and you will be with Me in Paradise.