Wednesday, August 10th
St. Lawrence
2 Cor. 9:6-10. John 12:24-26

Be sure that you will always have all that is necessary to fulfil the Father's will in you and in all that you are given to do. I speak to you, I speak to every one of His beloved sons and daughters. The Father constantly pours his blessings on all who open heart and mind to Our indwelling that they may come to fullness and perfection in due time and that they may become Our love and word to others. Such are Our saints: all are so called to fullness and perfection according to the uniqueness and vocation of each one committed to the Father's will and loving purpose.

The open secret of success in the Father's Kingdom already established here on earth is in absolute self-giving. Offer all you have and all you are to Him who is and He will abundantly increase and bless. And recall, I died for you that you might die and rise and live in Me and I in you.