Sunday, August 21st
Isaiah 57:1-6. Romans 1:1-8 Matthew 16:13-20

Let the joy ad peace of Our saving, sanctifying love possess you wholly. So will you have that knowledge and that wisdom We yearn to give to you and to each and every one . So will you become and do all the Father wills and a channel of the Father's loving purpose in His world.

And He will make the offering of your self a part of His ongoing purpose in He Church and to His beloved sons and daughters near and far in every place and time, faith and persuasion. And so it is for all faithfully committed in Our love from the least even to the greatest. The greatest are the humble and the true of heart who serve the Father and their fellowmen through the power of their love and in absolute self-giving. So live, so love ::I am your strength and your redeemer.