Tuesday, August 23rd
1 Thessalonians 2:1-8. Matthew 23:23-26

Singleness of mind and purity of heart - such are the gifts the Father seeks to pour into your soul. So will He do as you continue faithful and committed. And We will make Our home in you - Our Holy Spirit cleanse, inspire and fortify you, I bring you to the fullness of the Father.

The Father's will and loving purpose is that all who seek shall find ; to all who give all will be given all. Through My indwelling and the grace and power of Our Holy Spirit the springs of action in your soul will be cleansed and purified. So shall Our love flow freely through you to the one and many in the Father's world as you continue faithful and committed. And He will bring you to the joy and glory of the Father's presence in fellowship with the redeemed and sanctified in Us.