Thursday, August 25th
Isaiah 58:1-11. Matthew 22:35-40

I came to earth to be the Father's love to every one of His beloved sons and daughters. Through My indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit His love is known, experienced and becomes the power and joy of all faithfully committed in His Name . I, the Father's Love Incarnate , cleanse, unite and - with our Holy Spirit - bring all who are in Us and We in them to fullness and to union with Him and with each other.

Be ready at all times to hear the promptings of the Father's will and loving purpose. He calls each one of His beloved sons and daughters to faithfulness in love and in self-giving. As you abide in me and I in you so will you come to that fullness and perfection which your soul seeks.

Pray abba, Father, maranatha and Amen.