Tuesday, October 9th
St. John Leonardi
2 Cor. 45-7. Luke 5:1-11

The glory of the Father is reflected in His Son, and from Him into all who are in Us and We in them; for so the Father has appointed . I am the Mediator and Advocate: learn what this means through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Or Holy Spirit. Let this truth mature within your heart and mind and We will shine to others through you - I speak to one, I speak to all.

It is the Father's will and loving purpose to bring the faithfully committed to His Holy Name into life eternal: so has it been from the beginning, so is it now and shall be till the end of time. I am the Means and the Fulfilment, for I am one with Him in all things and with Our loving Holy Spirit. These are deep mysteries which the faithful are drawn into as they continue faithful, bringing them into union with Us and fellowship one with another.

But the hope and glory is for all to see who are not blinded by their sin and self-deception. For the glory of the Father is revealed and individually reflected through His Son into each one and into His whole world.