Monday, October 29th
Romans 8:12-17. Luke 13:10-17

Thankfully receive that which continually is offered you by your loving Heavenly Father, namely the Spirit of All-Being and All-Loving, Our Presence and Our power for wholeness, holiness and self-giving. Identify with Me in suffering that you may rejoice with Me in glory.

And let Our saving, sanctifying love reach through you to others in the Father's world according to the Father's will and loving purpose. Our Holy Spirit leads and directs all seeking light and life and truth in becoming and in doing. The Father's Kingdom grows and prospers as the faithfully committed in His love look outward to His world and seek to open up His love to others as they are led and guided. As I taught and healed in My incarnate life so does Our Holy Spirit lead the faithful to be Our agents of constructive love to those to whom We send them.

Continually receive Our Presence in your heart and mind through prayer and contemplation.