Wednesday, October 17th
Ignatius of Antioch
Philippians 3:17-4:1. John
is the keynote of faithfulness
in your becoming and your
doing, obedience to the
Father Who creates and calls
you to the fullness of eternal
life in Him. The Father
has appointed Me, His Son
beloved and loving, to be
Our saving love to all who
seek to follow in the way
of righteousness, of love,
and of self-giving. Our
Holy Spirit lights and guides
all the faithfully committed
and the true of heart.
But as I died to enable
man's salvation so must
each faithful follower die
to sin, self-will, and all
that separates from life
in Me. I am present in the
heart and mind of every
soul which seeks to follow
in the way: I am the Way
, the light , the Life ,
and I bring the faithful
follower into life eternal
in this world and beyond
And as I am with each beloved
follower so do I call each
one to fellowship in Me.
That fellowship binds each
one in Me with the Father
and His loving purpose for
His world. So all who are
in Me are with me in Gethsemane
and Golgotha . But rejoice,
for through My pain and
death I have redeemed the
world. And the power and
glory of My glorious victory
is your fulfilment and your