Wednesday, October 3rd
Nehemiah 2:1-8. Luke 10:1-122

The Father will build up all that was destroyed, according to His will and loving purpose. And He invites His beloved sons and daughters to be His instruments of reconstruction and of re-creation of that which was destroyed through folly and through wickedness. Make this truth known in individual and community, for it is My promise, challenge and My healing word.

I am the Father's Healing Word, His Love Incarnate to each child of man that lived or ever will. I instruct the mind and facilitate the heart for all the Father lovingly wills and purposes. And I look for faithfulness in love, obedience and absolute self-giving.

Give time and place each day for quiet waiting on the Father: all will be given in due time as you continue faithful for My loving Presence will be in your heart and mind and We will bring you to the Presence of Eternal Love.