Saturday, October 20th
4:13, 16-18
Faith and hope are gifts
to the faithfully committed
in Our love from their loving
Heavenly Father. And I,
the Father's Truth Incarnate
and Incarnate Love fulfil
the hope which faith makes
possible. Listen to the
word of truth within your
heart and mind: it is My
Presence in the Father's
Name. Little by little I
reveal the truth as the
faithful soul responds to
it, and Our Holy Spirit
strengthens and enables
in the way. Beware the spirit
of denial, especially in
the justifying of that which
the light condemns.
Such is the blasphemy
against Our Holy Spirit
which brings confusion in
the soul and loss of right
direction in the heart and
mind. Persistence in this
way can lead to powerful
evil for the one and for
the many.
But all who turn towards
the way of light and life
and love I bring to fullness
and perfection however hard
the journey and however
many times they fall and
stumble in their going.
I retrieve the fallen who
seek restoration in the
way, and lead all the faithfully
committed in Our love in
life eternal. I am their
way, their truth, their
life, their fullness and
perfection, and I lead them
to the Father's Kingdom
of eternal joy and love.