Saturday, October 6th
St. Bruno
Philippians 8:8-14. Luke 9, 57-62

Learn to be conformed to the pattern of My love and My self-giving. I came to do the Father's will: He loved His world so much that He sent Me , His Son beloved and loving , to redeem and save it . That redemption and salvation is offered to each child of man whoever lived or ever will. And it is full of hope and joy as it is accepted in the soul and as it grows into the dedicated and surrendered life in Us.

But there is more. The joy and power of My risen life is the reward of faithfulness in love and in self-giving. I gave Myself in life and death according to the Father's loving purpose: so costly was the world's redemption. So all who are in Me and I in them are called to willingness to be conformed to the pattern of My suffering as they are led and guided. Each son and daughter of the Father is individually called to service and self-giving in the power and cost of Our saving, sanctifying love.

Take courage, then, and be conformed to the pattern of My living and My dying through My risen life.