Monday, November 5th
Romans 11:29-36, Luke 14:12-14

The Father's will and loving purpose is inscrutable to many in His world. This is because those disobedient to His word are alien to His Presence and His purpose. But the full reality is that His love fulfils all hopes and expectations of all within the Father's world: He who made the world and all things in it will make all things plain in the fullness of eternity. All children of the Father are free to follow or reject His light and leading. All judgement is within the Father's love and mercy.

Learn to grow within the ambience of the Father's love and mercy: I am the means and the fulfilment. Through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit all things are possible within the loving purpose of the Father. Let this inspire and challenge all you are and hope to be and do.

Be joyful at all times, continually conscious of Our Presence in your heart and mind. Share and be generous with all you have and are.