November 19th
Luke 18:35-43
Do not let the failures
and weaknesses of others
deflect your faithfulness
to your commitment to self-giving
love. The Father will make
plain the way ahead as you
continue faithful. Goodness,
righteousness and truth
have always been the bedrock
of eternal life: love and
self-giving bring fulfilment
and perfection in the power
of My Indwelling and through
the light and guiding of
Our Holy Spirit.
The Father pours His healing
and enwholing love into
the heart and mind of everyone
who seeks it. Its power
is instant in the soul and
often in the body too. But
faith must play its part
in the healing process,
faith in the source of the
enabling and enlightening
power and also in the self
to do and to become that
which the soul perceives
to be required .
Daily relate to your sources
of renewal and commitment.
Continually the Father offers
all the mind and body need
for full, rewarding living.
But loving discipline is
necessary to grow in understanding
and to receive the power
and wisdom to do the Father's
will and to fulfil His loving
purpose for you.