Monday, November 26th
Daniel 1:1-10. Luke 2:1-4

The Father blesses all the sons of men whom He brings into His beloved world . The sons and daughters of His love who are obedient to His law of love and service are twice blessed and they prosper in their service and their life in Him. Gifts of character and personality develop in the faithfully committed and they are gradually enabled to serve their Heavenly Father and their fellowmen, in due time they come to fullness and perfection according to the Father's will and loving purpose in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.

The Father lovingly bestows all gifts of kind and personality. And so the faithful and discerning follow in the way and unceasingly thank Him Who has generously bestowed the life and gifts and blessings which continually they enjoy, but also offer all to Him in prayer and supplication for their proper use in service of the one and of the many.

Offer all you have and all you are to Him Who blesses you in all things. My Presence in your heart and mind makes all things possible.