Sunday, November 4th
Wisdom 11:22-12:2. 2 Thess. 1:11-22. Luke 19:1-10

Be ready for My coming: prepare your heart and mind for the Presence of Incarnate Love: I speak to one, I speak to all. I come to all who will receive Me and I take the place within the soul to which the Father has appointed Me, as I am welcomed and accommodated.

But the faithfully committed in Our love increasingly perceive and understand that I am also the Father's Word Incarnate, crucified and risen, and glorified in time and through eternity.

Listen, then, in the deepest places of your heart and mind: look for Our message and direction. All that is necessary is given to those who offer all. I seek to bring the Father's word to all who give themselves to Love's revealing. The way is often dark and difficult but I am with them even to the end and beyond: only faithfulness is necessary. The faithful and the true of heart will come to their fulfilment and perfection in the Presence of the Father and of the redeemed and sanctified in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love.