Saturday, November 3rd
St. Martin Porres

Philippians 4:4-9. Matt. 22:34-40

Love is the greatest of the Father's gifts to His beloved sons and daughters: it is His Very Self. Love enables and inspires and is the dynamic of all right action. Pray for love within your heart and mind that you become Our love to others and know within your soul the peace which passes knowledge.

It is the Father's will and loving purpose that His faithfully committed share with Him and with each other the joy and fullness of eternity. Such is His gift through Our redeeming, sanctifying love. But this must be desired and sought through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.

Be constantly aware of Our abiding Presence in your heart and mind. I speak to one, I speak to all. I am the hope and the fulfilment of eternal life both now and in eternity. Eternal life is now, to be received and lived in the power of Dynamic Love.

Welcome and accommodate Our Presence through prayer and meditation and through a loving willingness to become and do all the Father wills and purposes.