Saturday, November 24th
Macc. 6:1-13. Luke 20:27-40

Life is a gift of the loving Heavenly Father, shared by the natural world and by the sons of men. Eternal life is offered to each child of man from the beginning and is promise, challenge, and fulfilment in a life of fellowship with Him and with all the committed sons and daughters of His Kingdom.

I, the Father's Love Incarnate and His Incarnate Word, have come into His world to redeem and save, and so to offer life eternal to all who accept Our love and saving grace that, in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love , they grow and develop in it.

Eternal life is given to all who live in Us and We in them. Death is the further progress into life which is the Father's means of offering further progress into life eternal. The Father, who created ever child of man whoever lived and offered each the means of progress in their life on earth , calls all the faithfully committed to His will and loving purpose in their earthly life to full and glorious life with Him for ever , with all the redeemed and sanctified in Us.