Thursday, March 8th
Esther 4:17: Matt. 7:7-12

Pray constantly and with commitment to know your Heavenly Father's will and loving purpose. Pray to know the truth and for power to walk in it. And pray that you become a lively member of the Father's Kingdom of eternal love.

Let Our loving Presence so fill your heart and mind that you may in crease daily in your confidence and trust in Our redeeming, sanctifying love. So will you be increasingly challenged by the needs of your fellowmen both near and far, the individual and community and nation. Pray that you be guided in your thought and care for others. So will you become Our means of reaching others: such is one avenue the Father uses for action in the one and in the many in His world and for building up His Kingdom of eternal love. I speak to one, I speak to all .

Be absolutely committed to the dynamic of Our love through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit.