Wednesday, March 28th
Isaiah 49:8-13. John 5:7-30

The covenant relation ship is valid and dynamic for every child of man, community and nation. I am the Catalyst and Enabler. Through My death and resurrection I have redeemed the world, and in the power of My risen life I offer health and healing and salvation . Our loving Holy Spirit lights and leads each beloved child of the loving Heavenly Father who seeks the Father's will and power to do it.

Be faithful, then, in all things: be subject to he loving discipline of prayer and service . All that is needful for the full and fruitful life is given to all who offer heart and mind to the grace and power of Our Indwelling.

Rejoice, praise and thank your Heavenly Father who offers you eternal life and draws you to His Presence in the Kingdom of His love . And pray for all both near and far that the Father's will and loving purpose may be done in the one and in the many that they increasingly be drawn into the joy and glory of His Presence.