March 17th
1 Peter 4:7-11. Luke 5:1-11
Be sure the Father honours
every promise made to His
beloved sons and daughters.
The covenant relationship
was forged through generations
of obedience, failure, and
progression in His will
and loving purpose for the
one and for the many. All
faithfully committed in
Our saving, sanctifying
love know that they individually
and personally are oned
with Us and We with them
as they continue faithful.
And each is challenged
to his particular responsibility
in the Kingdom of Our love
linking him both with his
fellowmen both near and
far and uniting him with
Us Who prompt and guide
him in his pilgrimage.
This is the point and purpose
of all life. The end is
entry, progress and perfection
in the Kingdom of eternal
life and love where the
Father reigns supreme. I,
the way, the truth, the
life, am also the God Shepherd,
Our loving Holy Spirit the
Eternal Light and Guide.