Saturday, March 3rd
Deut. 26:16-19. Matt. 5:43-48

My command to you to love your enemies is counsel of perfection. But I have challenged you to perfection in the power of Our saving, sanctifying love. Perfection is the meeting of requirements as they are perceived and understood. These can be known through seeking in all things the Father's will. And they may be fulfilled through My Indwelling and the light and guiding of Our Holy Spirit. Love is imparted that it may fill the heart and mind and reach to all the Father's world. And love melts the hardness of all hate and bitterness as it is allowed its own dynamic.

Be perfect, then , in the perfection of Our love . So will you increasingly be drawn into the mystery and joy of Our Eternal Being, and even so become a vibrant vessel of the Father 's love within His glorious world. I speak to one, I speak to all.