March 22nd
7:23-28. Luke 11:14-23
The Father has made all
things good. And man, who
is the beloved child of
the loving Heavenly Father,
has marred the Father's
glorious world and disobeyed
His will and loving purpose.
So has he spoilt that perfect
union with All-Being and
All-Loving which was the
Father's will from the beginning.
But in the history of the
world some have been faithful:
some have listened to the
Father's word and obeyed
His will for them. And I
have come to earth to live
a human life to offer to
the sons and daughters of
the Father a pattern and
example, and teaching for
a fulfilled life in the
power of Our saving, sanctifying
love. For I have died that
sin might not destroy their
glorious destiny in life
eternal as they respond
to the Father's call to
them to turn and renew their
fallen nature and their
waywardness in Our redeeming
Wake up, beloved of the
Father; take to yourselves
the call and challenge which
the Father, in His infinite
love, continually offers
you. Be resolute in Us,
faithful to all you hear
within your heart and mind.
My grace is adequate: only
be faithful and you will
have the crown of life the
Father promises to all who
are obedient to His word.